Welcome to the Parent Coordinator Section

Find all parent coordinator related documents in this section of the website. For any concerns, queries or feedback, feel free to reach us through the contact us section on this website.

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Please click on each document name below to download its relevant file.

New NYCSA Portal and Creating Accounts for Families

Beginning September 3, families will be able to access the new NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) portal, which consolidates several important parent-facing applications in one place. In addition to seeing information for MyStudent, such as grades, attendance, and transportation, families will also be able to access Parent University and the Bullying Reporting online form. Parents can also reset the passwords to their student’s DOE email accounts through the Manage Account page; please note the change in URL from mystudent.nyc to schoolsaccounts.nyc.

Families who currently have a NYCSA account will automatically have access to new features in the portal.